Monday, May 7, 2007

Allow me, madam...

Chilvary ain't dead. I'm tired of women trying to ride this high-horse of equality where a guy can go out of his way to hold the door because his mother beat it into his psyche that this was the polite thing to do. That goes for pulling out chairs, footing the bill when invited out, etc.

All this bullshit about, "I can open my own door!" or "I can get my own chair!" FUCK! Obviously you can do all these things because I can see that your arms and legs are not broken. And doing these things will not get me any play from you because if they did, I'd have had more play than Wilt Chamberlain, Larry Flint, and Hugh Hefner combined. If you're not up on your history, allow me to simplify: a whole fucking lot.

So ladies, let a guy hold the door, pull out your chair, buy you a cup of coffee because he thinks you're cool, and if he invites you to dinner let him take the bill. Just make sure your ass goes dutch on that shit next time!

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